Akisoft MSC Sdn Bhd specialises in providing professional IT solutions on a web
based communication vehicle. The Company originated from Akinet Sdn Bhd,
an IT solution consultant which has successfully implemented the web based
application solutions to both commercial and government clients.
Due to the expansion in the application solutions, Akisoft MSC Sdn Bhd was formed
as a separate company to house both Web Application Developer (WAD) team
and Multimedia And Design (MAD) team. In recognition of our dedicated
commitment to deliver quality IT solutions, our Company was awarded the MSC
status in October 1999.
The Web has grown tremendously as an important vehicle in delivering information
immediately on a global-basis. And with this explosion of Internet technologies, the
velocity of change and intensity of competitition will be greater than ever before.
As such, you will need a technology platform which you can rely on to adapt to all
these rapid changes.